Welcome Blog Readers To my new blog, Grim Grinning Posts. This is a blog all about the haunted mansion mostly the one in Disneyland as I live in CA. This blog will not be replacing Stu’s Food Check it out here www.stusfood.blogspot.com The posts are not common. Also this blog is ONLY covering the haunted mansion. If you want more on Disney then check out my moms blog www.josephtravelblog.blogspot.com that is about travel though so there is not a high chance that it will go an Disney rides.
Well I think its high time that we start our in depth tour. Today we will be going through the outside and if we have time the foyer then I am going to show you a video. Our tour begins at the main entry gates but we are not going in yet first lets take a look at the side of the estate we see a small fast pass center. Now if your thinking that “Awe… you aren't expecting us to believe that… the line in the Haunted Mansion moves too fast to have a fast pass line!” well in the beginning that’s not what the imaginers thought, and sometimes even today they use it for HM Holiday. here is a picture of the pass:
And here is one of the distribution center:
Isn't that lovely.
Well nothing to see here
lets go up front
there is a horse drawn hearse
As we come up on the mansion we turn into the animal graveyard and we see funny tombstones that say funny stuff or just look funny
isn't that funny.
Well lets turn again and we find ourself near some human tombs that say things like Barry M. Deep also known as Bury him deep. Ha ha ha.
So we also see a tomb entrance. That door is the fastpass way in, and if I am correct the chickens way out! This area was also in the original plans going to be a garden (Graveyard).I am guessing that the fastpass way in was originally going to be the rides exit. The ride was originally going to be a walk through and walkthroughs are slow. So, to allow more people on at once the ride would have 2 separate duplicates (Probably splitting at the stretching room) and so at the other side of the mansion there is a maintenance area. Also if you decide to steal something from that general area the guards will use that as a holding cell (www.longforgottenHauntedMansion.blogspot.com) now there is not much more to say about outside lets visit the foyer.
Ok now in this room the music first starts to play and we first meet the host as he is singing along. Look to the floor
See that spider web pattern on the floor. You usually miss it with all the people in the room. I think that does it for this time. See you next time! Bye!
Wonderful start Stu. I look forward to more entries.
Thanks, i think i will make one tommorow.
-Stuart Joseph
Hey Stuart I know you said in this post that on my blog I won't be taking anyone on any rides. Well I wanted to share this link with you. It's a ride on the Aquaduck!
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